Our Courses by Categories
6 Months Certificate (Medical) |
Certified Professional Manager (CPM) |
One Year ( Advance + Basic) |
One Year ( Technical + Engineering + Professional ) |
Post Graduate Diploma (PGD Advance) |
Post Graduate Diploma (PGD Medical) |
Specialization in Marketing
Specialization in Marketing
Specialization in Marketing
Module I
*Developing customer relationships and value
through marketing *Linking marketing and
corporate strategies Scanning the marketing
environment *Consumer Behaviour*Organi-
zational markets and buyer Behaviour*Turning
Marketing information into action Identifying
market segments and targets
Module II
*Developing new products *Managing Products
& Brands *Managing marketing channels &
wholesaling *Integrated marketing communications
& direct marketing *Advertising, sales promotion
& public relations Personal selling and sales
management *Building the price foundation